VALENCIA SOCCER ACADEMY (VSA) Intro to competitive soccer U5 - U10. Our Mission is to provide a fun and challenging experience for every child to grow into competitive soccer
The Academy main focus is to create a fun and nurturing environment while learning the basics of competitive soccer in a cost-effective environment.
VSA coaches, were carefully selected based on their soccer experience, knowledge, character, and dedication to the game of soccer. They have made a commitment for continued personal education in soccer
Our players participate in selected tournaments throughout Albuquerque and surrounding areas.
Go somewhereCosts: $105.00 per child, includes one weekly coach led practice, weekly intra-club game and uniform. ON-GOING REGISTRATION Call 505-440-4960 or Register On-Line now
Register On Line2019 - 2020 Season
Fall Season-August-October
Spring Season- March 7th through May 19th
Contact Information